Stingose® - Calms and soothes the pain, itch and swelling of bites and stings.

Calms and soothes the
pain, itch and swelling of
bites and stings

Stingose® makes
sting go.

Don’t forget the Stingose.

Stingose® works fast to provide effective relief from the pain, itching and inflammation associated with stings and bites of most insects, plants and marine life; including ants, bees, wasps, mosquitoes, sandflies, sea lice, vines and nettles.

Ensure it’s always in your first aid kit. And don’t forget to pack Stingose especially for your summer holidays!

Apply STINGOSE immediately for fast relief

Stingose® 4 way action


Relieves the pain
and discomfort of bites and stings within minutes


Minimises itching, swelling, and inflammation


Helps prevent
further reaction, infectionand long-term scarring


Cleans the skin of sunscreen and oils, which allows Stingose® to
work faster


Stingose Gel

Calms and soothes the pain, itch and swelling of most insect bites and stings. Ideal for smaller affected areas.

Stingose Spray

Calms and soothes the pain, itch and swelling of insect stings and bites. Ideal for larger affected areas that are sensitive to touch.Spray format offers easy and convenient application.


How does Stingose® work?

Stingose® contains the active ingredient aluminium sulphate, which breaks down the toxins in bites and stings from a wide range of insects, plants and marine life.

In an extensive clinical trial involving 1003 cases of stings and bites, complete pain relief was achieved in 99.4% of cases. Bites and stings treated with Stingose® in the trial included the insects, jellyfish and plant shown here:

Don’t clean the area with skin preparations containing methylated spirits or alcohol as these preparations make Stingose® less effective. Stingose® works best if it is applied as soon as possible after the sting or bite occurs.

  • Bee stings
  • Ant bites
  • Wasp stings
  • Jellyfish stings
  • Mosquito bites
  • Bluebottle stings
  • Sandfly bites
  • Plant stings such as nettles
  • Sea lice stings

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a sting and a bite?

Stinging species inject toxic venom through their stings as a defence mechanism (e.g. bees, wasps, jellyfish).

Biting species bite in order to feed on your blood (e.g. mosquitoes, sand flies and ants).

How does Stingose® work?

Stingose® contains the active ingredient aluminium sulphate, which acts to denature the toxins and venoms from a wide range of insects, plants and marine life.

Do I need a prescription from my doctor?

No, Stingose® is available over-the-counter without a prescription.

Where do I buy Stingose®?

Stingose® 25g gel and Stingose 25mL spray is available in pharmacies nationally, as well as some other retail stores.

Stingose® Gel & Spray

Where to buy

Stingose® 25g gel and Stingose® 25ml spray is available in pharmacies nationally.
Stingose® is available in some other retail outlets, ask for it by name.

Prepare for your summer holidays – carry Stingose® on hand to sootheitches, bites and stings from nature’s little ruffians.

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